Welcome all Artists!

We are all here to allow our inner Artist to transform reality and our life. Let the Masterpieces begin!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Still Life- You are ART

Life is a mysterious adventure and our greatest teacher. We also hear, with this life experience, you will get from it what you put into it. We are requesting nothing be more important than you at this time. So please be generous, enthusiastic and eager for the miracles that are about to unfold. Be eager and excited because the secret and system are about to unfold to you.

Become quiet within yourself. Allow a pure stillness to envelop you. Restore a calm deep from within you. Breathe. Feel awareness and begin and know what you feel, is you. You are the system, you are success and you are the secret to life. The more time you spend in the space of this awareness the more you will know this to be true. The more truth you allow the more present you become. Truth resides now. The truth is your life is to teach, remind and show you your magnificence and purpose. Your life is exactly designed for you to be the one you are now. You are the one that is here to help and make a difference. Your purpose is to do your way. So if what you put into life you get out, put you in your life fully, and watch miracles unfold.

You are creating every moment. Most are creating from what they believe themselves to be based on what has happened in the past. The past is a great resource. If our life is to allow our magnificence, the past must be accepted and seen as experiences that are simply saying to us, in the form of events and circumstances, “You are greater than you know”. So be great, be excited and be you. Be inspired that you are the one you will look up to, and you are the only one you should aspire to be. Set your intention for more clarity on your unique talents. Watch for them to surface as a reminder to you. Begin to integrate these into your work and life. You will begin to stop the need to compare and start fulfilling a need to stay aware.

In 2001 we were working with Deepak Chopra in a very small Mastermind meeting. He asked us to get a partner and to go through these three simple questions. The purpose was to deepen our understanding of ourselves. Each question was to be asked 10 times in a row. We sat facing each other and when he said begin, the one asking the question would lean in and whisper into the partners ear, “Who are you?.” When we answered they would ask it again. Each response became more defining and more specific. It is like the person asking the question is playing the role of the universe. Remember, ask and it is given. The ultimate response is “So be it”... as in so it is done and be that which you say.

This is fun to do. Here are the questions.

Who are you?

What do you want?

What is your gift?

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