"To know and not do is to not know"-Socrates
Being in action is how we demonstrate who we are. Being in action is the reflection of what we know, not as an interest or principal, but as a way of life. Being in action is being in the world and the foundation of everything that exists as we know it. How we ACT or our actions demonstrate who we are. Our direction comes not from each role or circumstance we find our self in, but from our self. We must start directing our own actions from the greatest outcome we each desire.
We all have heard how we do anything, is how we do everything. Being careless in one area will finds itself in another. Practicing being present and aware will find its way into every facet of life. Let the way we do something be more important than what we do. Creating from the intention of the greatest way, will keep us present and in action.
Each action we take is creation. Its form will manifest more quickly if we honor every action in this way. When we are in the action of our being, having thoughts that support what we are doing we create consciously. Creating consciously creates energy that we can feel and others can feel also. When we are ourselves fully creating and not reacting we become present to a power we all know as inspiration. Here is when we are now knowing and doing. What we know is, what it is we do as our own unique expression changes everything. What we do no else can do the way we can do it. We are a one of a kind creating original moments all day long.
On the other hand if our actions are based on reaction we are creating from not knowing. This is why days can go by and we won’t be able to tell anyone what we have done. We don’t set out to consciously react to our day. It simply becomes a habit and it keeps us very busy believing we are also accomplishing a lot and therefore creating our own anundance. No one will ever received a check from “Busy INC” for all this kind of work. Today we break this habit. Today we declare we direct our day.
We must value our day and time. We must value how much we are dedicated to the best outcome within every committment and each way we contribute. We must value our need to make a difference in this life changing process and stay in action. We must value and honor the ability to assist someone else and maintain a thoughtful course of action in their life by being the example.What would we do right now if our example would help another?
We can only show up fully by being in action in our work, community and family. We didn’t sign up for the top of a mountain peak. We said we would boldly be the change and to each day be a contribution and commitment to greatness. We said we would be the example in our own way. We said we would help others remember who they are also by demonstrating our own integrity and grace. We said that, we know that, so now let’s do that. Make Socrates proud. Make yourself proud. Be in action. Help someone today find their way by doing what we do our way.
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