Welcome all Artists!

We are all here to allow our inner Artist to transform reality and our life. Let the Masterpieces begin!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Land of Possiblity is found in Art!

Our lives are masterpieces within the masterpiece that is the Universe. Art in the traditional sense takes a moment created from thought, an idea, or the imagination to communicate something. This something finds its way to a place of feeling. It is within this place that resides the space which allows us all to respond to music, sculpture, painting, dance, theatre and film.  Art touches and speaks to us in a Universal language, a form of expression and understanding without limits. We are each living forms of art, a continuous manifestation of art, each sharing this same space within. In each moment we are the creation, the inspiration, or in appreciation of living forms of art. Therefore being alive can be seen as Artistry in motion. Art becomes our life as its form affects the buildings we live with, clothes we choose to wear and all we do.

When we feel a response to art, we are experiencing something greater than our individual self. As it resonates within it finds its source, which is at the heart of all creation. When we feel a melody, see from an image, or allow a movement to touch us, the source we feel is the source of all that is. As we connect to this source we remember we are a medley, a vibrational being of color and sound. In this place we truly are the artists and visionaries of our world. Our movements and the way we touch become a dance, an expression which is pure and unique. This source, the medium from which we all create, is simply and profoundly…Love.

The Artistry is remembering we are Love and the source of everything we know to be is Love. When we remember this, we see life clearly and know that all is well. When we are able to visit life with neutrality, each experience can be seen as an expression of Love. It is in these moments, when we feel and remember Love; we resonate and know its’ truth. When we deny Love’s presence we lose our ability to access or feel what is real. To create our life as a masterpiece, as the artists, we simply surrender to the unknown and unseen. We open to see and understand the purpose of all things. Even in the contrasts of life there is purpose. Artists know of contrast, they utilize and accept this. It is why there is black and white, loud and soft, high and low, fast and slow, up and down, dark and light, more and less, movement and motionlessness, despair and joy, fear and love and also solitude and solidarity. It is all available for us to utilize.

The place where all is available is the l-and of full possibility. It is a world where a word invites the extra-ordinary. Adding the source of love combing with the awareness of and invites more to be known and a new world and playground reveal it self. When we land here we stand in awareness to expand to a grandness. Adding and, has us experince, know and access a greater perspective and greater perception. Add and we add to our awareness. We have access to see what is right now and our as our life is complete, happily ever after, we are the hero, and the one that transformed the world. Know there is access to the full picture as we stay in our true state of love and as we w-ork as our pl-ay as the way.

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