Welcome all Artists!

We are all here to allow our inner Artist to transform reality and our life. Let the Masterpieces begin!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Surrender Dorothy

She was searching and lost. Aren't we all and so tired of “Who am I?”, or the more frustrating “Why am I…the way I am?” The answers would be so simple if the heaviness of fear, anger, judgement, and isolation could be stripped or chipped away. We would absolutely and easily reveal ourselves as rare, beautiful, pieces of art. The experience of stripping away our old beliefs and negative thoughts one by one would expose our sumptuous, spectacular and sacred self. What would it be like to discover our self unveiled; the intoxicating image and the precision of love's creation? We believe it is everyone’s birthright to be able to stare into their own eyes and know their perfection, power, purpose and beauty.

Why do we not already know this? We live continuously accepting what life has added to us, as us, when we should know who we really are lies in the depth of our being. We can even pretend we know this, yet this is how we must now live. From this word forward surrender to the truth… we are a Masterpiece, a priceless and supreme work of art. We are that which  inspires the greatest artist the universe has ever known. This artist to be eternally know as LOVE.

We now realize our lives, experiences, challenges, pain, loss, and betrayals, to name a few, have encased our pure soul in layers and layers of masking. The mask becomes the form we no longer see out from or be seen because of. Who we are becomes measured by the results of these daily misperceptions. This then adds layers to make our form more dense and we become, literally, more dense. Who we are is clouded, veiled, and covered like some sort of human collage. If beauty seems to be found in its simplicity or what isn’t there, we must have the courage to accept the profoundness of living stripped to the soul.

We all know this frustration. We can feel the need to cry out but because of the medium that is packed around us, all that is ever heard, muffling through, resembles a sigh rather than enragement. When asked how we are, we declare fine and what we mean by that is the ambiguity of the line that we have drawn across the sand. Will we take a stand for our greatness, fight for living in joy? We must become disarmed, unveiled, and naked to give ourself the full power we have been battling against. The truth is we will remember our strength as we become uncovered, without the false protection that has actually been causing the deception of our weakness or inabilities. Can you begin to unravel the truth by answering this… was the Wicked Witch of the West really wicked by using fear to have Dorothy surrender to her inherent power?

Either way you look at it, surrendering to our greatness and surrendering the faith in each others greatness is our ultimate freedom and will access our purest extraordinary expression!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Being in Action keeps you in creation and out of reaction.

"To know and not do is to not know"-Socrates

Being in action is how we demonstrate who we are. Being in action is the reflection of what we know, not as an interest or principal, but as a way of life. Being in action is being in the world and the foundation of everything that exists as we know it. How we ACT or our actions demonstrate who we are. Our direction comes not from each role or circumstance we find our self in, but from our self. We must start directing our own actions from the greatest outcome we each desire.

We all have heard how we do anything, is how we do everything. Being careless in one area will finds itself in another. Practicing being present and aware will find its way into every facet of life. Let the way we do something be more important than what we do. Creating from the intention of  the greatest way, will keep us present and in action.

Each action we take is creation. Its form will manifest more quickly if we honor every action in this way. When we are in the action of our being, having thoughts that support what we are doing we create consciously. Creating consciously creates energy that we can feel and others can feel also. When we are ourselves fully creating and not reacting we become present to a power we all  know as inspiration. Here is  when we are now knowing and doing. What we know is, what it is we do as our own unique expression changes everything. What we do no else can do the way we can do it. We are a one of a kind creating original moments all day long.

On the other hand if our actions are based on reaction we are creating from not knowing. This is why days can go by and we won’t be able to tell anyone what we have done. We don’t set out to consciously react to our day. It simply becomes a habit and it keeps us very busy believing we are also accomplishing a lot and therefore creating our own anundance. No one will ever received a check from “Busy INC” for all this kind of work. Today we break this habit. Today we declare we direct our day.

We must value our day and time. We must value how much we are dedicated to the best outcome within every committment and each way we contribute. We must value our need to make a difference in this life changing process and stay in action. We must value and honor the ability to assist someone else and maintain a thoughtful course of action in their life by being the example.What would we do right now if our example would help another?

We can only show up fully by being in action in our work, community and family. We didn’t sign up for the top of a mountain peak. We said we would boldly be the change and to each day be a contribution and commitment to greatness. We said we would be the example in our own way. We said we would help others remember who they are also by demonstrating our own integrity and grace. We said that, we know that, so now let’s do that. Make Socrates proud. Make yourself proud. Be in action. Help someone today find their way by doing what we do our way.

© Copyright MMVII by FurberCoaching.com (a division of Furber Real Estate Ltd.)

Reaction vs. Creation

When we notice something we have shifted into the observer. Without this shift we are like a car with no streering or brakes. As we observe we remain in a powerful position to create by choosing from our highest self. It is like we pull over for a moment and pull out the map again. Each time we just observe we create the space in which to respond and not react. Reaction is the language and action of the Ego. Reaction is the manufacturer of all that we do not desire. Every time we react in a moment we allow whatever is the pattern, to become more ingrained in ourselves. A reaction of anger gives us more to be angry about. A reaction of lack has more lack show up. A reaction of doubt has us feeling uninspired. Inspiration can show up in the moment we observe. When we create space or a pause as an observation we disconnect thoughts and patterns that exist in ourselves. Energetically it is like pulling a plug and taking away all the charge the situation has. In other words observation is an order to stop what is happening and start creating from what we desire. To respond is creation. You now have a choice in each moment. This choice is reaction or creation.

As we become mindful and choose to be the observer whenever we are experiencing something negative, it weakens the strength and power of an old thought that has brought us this experience. Without connecting it to the automatic reaction it has nothing to exist upon. Without a reaction we begin to stop all attraction to similar situations or circumstances. As we observe we powerfully stop the perpetuation of the thoughts or patterns that have defined us as our experiences. This alone is change and a new creation for our self.

As powerful growth seeking beings let's add to observation yet another tool. Remember our core values again. For example think of grace, love, freedom, service, or empowerment. What if they were pulled from of our awareness and accessed in the moment of observation? What would that moment then bring? Our core values are now the tools we sculpt each moment with. We co create with the universe what we choose in the moment of the observation. We now create and control the observation. We create with our core values everything we want to experience. We control every experience because we know we are responsible as we always have choice. Notice our language invites our true self as we hear the word responsible. As far as I know there is no word in our language coming even close to “reactable”. Ask yourself in the observation what would grace do or say? What would empowerments do or say? Insert your core values into these questions each time you observe and watch everything you create from the observation. We now have an even more powerful choice to make. We can be the observer or activate our core values into our experience each time we choose to be the observer. This is a huge distinction. Now let's play with it.

© Copyright MMVII by FurberCoaching.com (a division of Furber Real Estate Ltd.)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Everyone is a Coach

This article is inspired by you and what you are doing right now to change the world.

How much awareness do we have of what others discover and become because of us? Every moment our actions offer the example, the challenge, or inspiration to change others for good. Equally our actions as the example can invite apathy, indifference or unresponsiveness keeping others where they are which is for Ego’s good. Sometimes unconsciously there is a choice to stay in actions that keep things as they are. These actions then reflect back to us from others assuring that things do stay as they are. Ego does not know change.

Change offers a new perspective or inspires a new experience which defies fear. Fear wants us to believe in an illusion that all is constant. We know change is the only constant. Do we have the courage to stay in actions that truly inspire creating everyone in our life to be as powerful as they can be? This is change. Others change in the presence of change. Change is the constant. It is truth, growth, and evolution. Action is change. Change is action. Inspired action takes place when we see we are being stopped by fear. We feel fear for an instant only when we don’t for that moment believe in love. Only love is real. Change is love.

We are being watched. We also are doing the watching. How we observe our self is creating even what we are doing. We stay productive and in action when we see and feel the results as being good. What do you say to yourself all day long? How much goes right and how much goes wrong? What is right right now? What is great right now? What are you proud of right now? What is someone learning from you right now? What is your affect on what are doing right now? As you stay here right now you are your higher self. Feel the presence of this moment. If you slip out of this moment, the moment has grabbed onto the past by the Ego. This moment is it us in the actions of our inner being responding to your values, dreams and destiny. Our actions in this moment can only be from love.

We know we are not in the moment for example, when Ego lets us see others as having less wisdom so we seem smart, having less abundance so we seem rich, or being less gifted so we think we are in control. Notice how smart, rich and in control depends precisley on one fixed moment in time. Also, as we believe this we hold others in place just so we stay in a place of illusion that is better than them. Also the more we hold others in place to keep our place, the more we believe all of this will stay as it is. Fear all of sudden stops the actions that have brought us to this moment of success because Ego lets us feel pretty good about our self. Try as we may to keep things as they are and we will bump up against the ones that do not buy into fear.

Like you, they are the super heroes. They teach us that no one defines them or labels them. They actually enjoy taking steps and action towards their own success because they have learned to see where and how Ego shows up. They simply see Ego as a force to love and the reminder they are anything but what Ego is presenting in the moment. Wisdom, abundance and being gifted are timeless occurrences in the moment of their thought. Slipping out of the moment takes us down a slide which leads no where and seems to never stop. Staying in the moment takes us straight to purpose, presence, possibility and fulfilled potential that truly goes on and on and on.

People stay the same until there has been an invitation to choose change. When we are stopped it is fear trying to keep things as they are. To make a difference we simply offer change which is love creating everything in its path. Not everyone knows they have a choice. Our actions can tell of another way, of greatness, of ease, of abundance, of fun and of more joy. Our actions become our own and someone else’s coach. Doing something different, extraordinary, and unexpected will lead us to discovery. Discovery becomes a new possibility for something that was not probable before. Every action allows the universe to respond. We will never know until an action has been taken what the result will be. What will you do now? Let the universe reveal a miracle right now.

Finally, how much awareness do we have of what we can learn and become because of others? Everyone moment of our day those we meet and have contact with are also offering examples, challenges and inspiration for us. Stay aware of all that is in our presence. See all of it as a reflection to be the change and maintain the flow from the source of all possibility, love. Our commitment to fearlessness and action is changing consciousness in ways we need not comprehend. In our actions today feel fearlessness. We offer two choices for today , see the super hero in others and change the world. Let others and their actions allow us to see our self as the super hero ready to change the world.

You are the hero and thank you for allowing change in me. Please forward to all the great coaches in your life.

Sandra Furber

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

STRESS- a mess of distress or a choice to master the art of start!

STRESS-Start To Respond Experience Success Silently

Stress can stop us. We feel it and know it. It can slowly creep into our awareness or knock us down in one quick moment. Once it is recognized it has connected to the part of the mind that can do something about it. Most will continue in its experience and react within their pattern of stress, reflecting in their actions and outcomes. What would happen if we started to respond instead? Response is a choice. When we choose how we will respond we are once again in our power. Choice is available to each of us and our greatest resource. Choice is ultimate freedom.

How we choose to respond will be in relationship to our goals and values. We can begin with a quick list of what is important right now to allow accessing a response from the self  that will immediately put us back on track, in our fullness and as our powerful unique expression. When we give our self freedom to find importance within our greatest contributions and when we dare our self to stare at what means the most, we unleash possibility.

We react from the Ego and we respond from our highest self. Practicing this distinction will strengthen us and our power within our self. This strength will have us respond more quickly and more often as our power. Who we will be in relationship to our dreams and each moment will be the response  and experince of our powerful unique expression.

What if our response was to experience success silently? Our perception causes our experience. If we pull back from the situation that has caused the stress and watch it from its grandest out come, we change the perspective. This immediately changes our perception. Let us imagine our grandest perspective; we changed the world, we were here for a reason, we contributed to all of humanity, we create a community that supported each other to access their greatness and we allowed the freedom or our truth to guide us.

Create a list of accomplishments from this perspective. Imagine they are true and spend time when stressed in their thoughts. See, feel and know them as your truth and creation. The vibration of thought from the mind will begin to create their reality. Instead of stress stopping us, and creating more to be stressed about let us stop to start powerfully responding to what is happening. Let us also stop and grant ourselves moments which silently honor the success we are by knowing our goals and values. Let us not be stopped by stress by believing our unique expression that dreams is a gift to all of mankind. Stress is also simply Situations To Reflect Experiences Stopping Success. Reflect and respond. Start NOW! Be in the actions of all your dreams!

Sandra Furber

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Still Life- You are ART

Life is a mysterious adventure and our greatest teacher. We also hear, with this life experience, you will get from it what you put into it. We are requesting nothing be more important than you at this time. So please be generous, enthusiastic and eager for the miracles that are about to unfold. Be eager and excited because the secret and system are about to unfold to you.

Become quiet within yourself. Allow a pure stillness to envelop you. Restore a calm deep from within you. Breathe. Feel awareness and begin and know what you feel, is you. You are the system, you are success and you are the secret to life. The more time you spend in the space of this awareness the more you will know this to be true. The more truth you allow the more present you become. Truth resides now. The truth is your life is to teach, remind and show you your magnificence and purpose. Your life is exactly designed for you to be the one you are now. You are the one that is here to help and make a difference. Your purpose is to do your way. So if what you put into life you get out, put you in your life fully, and watch miracles unfold.

You are creating every moment. Most are creating from what they believe themselves to be based on what has happened in the past. The past is a great resource. If our life is to allow our magnificence, the past must be accepted and seen as experiences that are simply saying to us, in the form of events and circumstances, “You are greater than you know”. So be great, be excited and be you. Be inspired that you are the one you will look up to, and you are the only one you should aspire to be. Set your intention for more clarity on your unique talents. Watch for them to surface as a reminder to you. Begin to integrate these into your work and life. You will begin to stop the need to compare and start fulfilling a need to stay aware.

In 2001 we were working with Deepak Chopra in a very small Mastermind meeting. He asked us to get a partner and to go through these three simple questions. The purpose was to deepen our understanding of ourselves. Each question was to be asked 10 times in a row. We sat facing each other and when he said begin, the one asking the question would lean in and whisper into the partners ear, “Who are you?.” When we answered they would ask it again. Each response became more defining and more specific. It is like the person asking the question is playing the role of the universe. Remember, ask and it is given. The ultimate response is “So be it”... as in so it is done and be that which you say.

This is fun to do. Here are the questions.

Who are you?

What do you want?

What is your gift?

Live not in a Yes or No world.Live Yes or NOW!!

All we have is choice in each moment. The choice to take action, create, listen, share, or feel becomes the communication and our unique expression. These choices take on a certain quality based on the moment we are in. When the quality is felt as a negative expression the moment has linked itself to other moments in the past not yet cleared or understood. Energetically the expression slows down so much it almost stops which prevents all solutions from revealing themselves. This stuck feeling is meant to reflect on the source or root thought causing the feeling. It is not meant to fuel the current situation.

When here we must stop, breathe and realize new energy from the present moment is what is required to resolve and shift the situation to a positive outcome. There is always time to later review what triggered the emotion and why. We are all looking for agreement and to be validated. Hearing no as disagreement or rejection can stop all possibility. Some live in a yes no black and white world. If so what if no could be now heard as know. Let that shift open the door to the next possibility; a yes or now world.

Yes is enthusiasm, excitement and a win-win. Energetically it is quick and full of possibility and miracles. So quite simply to stay in the flow of solutions and a positive expression give yourself only two choices yes or now. 'Yes' to answer “is my expression inspiring actions that are in alignment with my goals and values?" 'Now' to answer “where do solutions and greatness exists?" Now is action. Actions that take place from a conscious choice in the present moment are inspired actions. Now accesses what you already know and to already know the solution.

Stay present to stay in the power of choice. Here make a new choice, from yes or now.


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Land of Possiblity is found in Art!

Our lives are masterpieces within the masterpiece that is the Universe. Art in the traditional sense takes a moment created from thought, an idea, or the imagination to communicate something. This something finds its way to a place of feeling. It is within this place that resides the space which allows us all to respond to music, sculpture, painting, dance, theatre and film.  Art touches and speaks to us in a Universal language, a form of expression and understanding without limits. We are each living forms of art, a continuous manifestation of art, each sharing this same space within. In each moment we are the creation, the inspiration, or in appreciation of living forms of art. Therefore being alive can be seen as Artistry in motion. Art becomes our life as its form affects the buildings we live with, clothes we choose to wear and all we do.

When we feel a response to art, we are experiencing something greater than our individual self. As it resonates within it finds its source, which is at the heart of all creation. When we feel a melody, see from an image, or allow a movement to touch us, the source we feel is the source of all that is. As we connect to this source we remember we are a medley, a vibrational being of color and sound. In this place we truly are the artists and visionaries of our world. Our movements and the way we touch become a dance, an expression which is pure and unique. This source, the medium from which we all create, is simply and profoundly…Love.

The Artistry is remembering we are Love and the source of everything we know to be is Love. When we remember this, we see life clearly and know that all is well. When we are able to visit life with neutrality, each experience can be seen as an expression of Love. It is in these moments, when we feel and remember Love; we resonate and know its’ truth. When we deny Love’s presence we lose our ability to access or feel what is real. To create our life as a masterpiece, as the artists, we simply surrender to the unknown and unseen. We open to see and understand the purpose of all things. Even in the contrasts of life there is purpose. Artists know of contrast, they utilize and accept this. It is why there is black and white, loud and soft, high and low, fast and slow, up and down, dark and light, more and less, movement and motionlessness, despair and joy, fear and love and also solitude and solidarity. It is all available for us to utilize.

The place where all is available is the l-and of full possibility. It is a world where a word invites the extra-ordinary. Adding the source of love combing with the awareness of and invites more to be known and a new world and playground reveal it self. When we land here we stand in awareness to expand to a grandness. Adding and, has us experince, know and access a greater perspective and greater perception. Add and we add to our awareness. We have access to see what is right now and our as our life is complete, happily ever after, we are the hero, and the one that transformed the world. Know there is access to the full picture as we stay in our true state of love and as we w-ork as our pl-ay as the way.