Welcome all Artists!

We are all here to allow our inner Artist to transform reality and our life. Let the Masterpieces begin!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What is ART- Awareness Realizing Transformation

When we feel a response to art, we are experiencing an intelligence which is beyond our individual self, a sense of some unseen source, a field of information that begins a remembering of profound insights. This remembrance becomes a resonance of vibration. When it is realized it finds and connects to its source which is at the heart of all creation. With each feeling is the creation of a bond from the physical to the nonphysical allowing a new awareness into this field we cannot see. It happens in direct relationship to what it is we are seeing, experiencing or hearing.

The Greeks said music and astronomy were two sides of the same coin. They said astronomy was seen as the study of relationships between observable, permanent, external objects, and music was seen as the study of relationships between invisible, internal, and hidden objects. We know this must be true of all art. Art exists to find ways of communicating which in turn has ways of finding the unseen stirring up pieces and places deep inside our hearts and souls. Simultaneously it stirs up understandings of the infinite unseen pieces and places within the universe. Art has us feel a force which connects us to source and all that is. This force that connects us to source does so by way of the inspiration from all of to find ways to communicate profoudly with all that is. Without this agreement we would not be here and nor would we have reason to survive.

This is not esoteric and not meant to appear mysterious. Art plays its part in the survival of the life force of the human spirit. When we tap into this this field of the unseen we make sense of who we are. To interact with it, is the only way we know we are alive and that our life has meaning. As we boldly reclaim the artist, we take a stand for humanity. To feel and know our true value is to express and create in every area of our life from our unique expression, the Artist. How do we begin? We first understand art as we know it. Looking back in history and even presently we have war, loss, devistation, torture and starvation. The darkest of times have still produced poetry, music, and visual art. So much of what we now revere as Art has been given to humanity from situations of terror like concentration camps or prisons. If in the places where the only focus is on survival and the bare necessities that art lives, it must be then essential to all of life. Art in the traditional sense must be embraced as a neccessity, seen an essential vital form of unseen communication and the essence to nurture our exsistance. It is the place we go to difficult times and also what we do as an expression of the way out of the same difficult times. As we somehow instinctively reach deep within we find our self infinitely at the edge of all thought and reason. Here we find a new understanding and with each new understanding we all miraculously understand somehow.

Let us all allow Art to stand in its fullness and as we do we can begin to stand in our own. Let us all release the thought that Art is a lavish luxury, a hobby, amusement or a passed time. Let us declare that Art is a basic need of human survival and a way we make sense of our lives. Let us realise it is one of the ways in which we express feelings when we have no visible words. Let it be known as a way for us to understand things within the depths of our beings when our minds get stuck on what we can only see. Let art becomes a therapist for the human soul. What if we created Art to be a mystical version of a chiropractor, or physical therapist? As art communicates through vibrations of colour, sound and ideas it seems to find the places we need to make sense of inside. It is how we respond by feeling that we get back in balance or aligned again. Once the feeling has been felt we seem to come into harmony within ourselves. As we become harmonious or in tune with ourselves we become restored, healthy, and happy and well. Being harmonious opens us to serve others for humanities highest good and in ways we may not even have thought of yet.

The communication from art aids humanity as it focuss on the unseen, that harmonious truth that is the entire universe. We must each see ourselves within this formation of art and as that a gift to the universe through our unique expression. It also must be understood that what we give will be openend and yet it will be in divine time, cherished by the universe with whom we create, never judged for its value or for its importance. Each choice and action from each, each piece of art we tune into must be seen in perfect balance of all that is and equal in its importance. It is from here can we begin our life as artists. So let us begin to practice the practice of mastering peace. It is the peace within the self that arises from understanding our true value, beauty and purpose. What we see is in reponse to what is being called into balance. This awareness if Artistry.

We call great Artists Masters. We also call those who have astounding comprehension of the Universe Masters. Both work in the awaresness of the unseen and know as they focus on that their work has meaning and is eternal. When we focus on what is seen we will experience work and all its reflections as ephemeral. Short lived is also the happiness from the results so we keep working and working or we give up because we never end up having the awareness which holds the true meaning of life. When we begin tapping into the awareness of the unseen, our work will feel like play and its joy will have it feel urgent, important and gratifying. Awarenesses could be the hope and faith that someone's life is enriched from the service or product we are offering or creating. All of a sudden work matters as we see it through the awareness it is mattering. When work is created through awareness, also when it is loved for all it is, it really matters. As we can watch the outcome of each task take form as thoughts of purpose shape and mold it, we are true visionaries and artists. Love is the awareness that makes life matter; it literally has it take form for us to see. It is when we see from that perspective and inclusion that life makes sense. When we work and love we come to life and live know unity and eternity are one and the same as we. We are also are one and the same, our actions and thoughts are eternal. Everything we do does make a difference and changes all that is.

Now the work and play begins. We do not only expect you of master your piece, we you to expect you to remember its importance. We all know harmony, peace, mutual understanding, and equality of fairness. If we wait for government, religion or a corporation to lead us we will never see the leader within that holds the truth. The future of peace for humankind is within the understanding of how these unseen and seen pieces fit together. Artists know this to be true, that is what we do. We master the unseen and all its awarenesses. We see and know them and have everything else guide us to them. So we are all artists. Remember as we feel a melody, see an image, or allow a movement to touch us we connect to its unseen source. As we connect to this source we remember we are a medley, a vibrational being of color and sound. In this place we truly are the artists and visionaries of our world. Our movements and the way we touch become a dance, an expression which is pure and unique. We remember this source and force is the medium from which we all create. It is simply, easily and profoundly "Love". This is where we realize transformation.

Simply, artistry is remembering we are Love and the source of everything known to be is Love. When we remember this, we see life clearly and know that all is well. When we are able to visit life with neutrality, each experience can be seen as an expression of Love. It is in these moments, when we feel and remember Love; we resonate and know its' truth. When we deny Love's presence we lose our ability to access or feel what is real. To create our life as a masterpiece, as the artists, we simply surrender to the unknown, the unseen, and a source of infinite intelligence that lies within connecting eternity to each of us. We open to seek to understand the purpose of all things. Even in the contrasts of life there is purpose. Artists know of contrast, they utilize and accept this. It is why there is black and white, loud and soft, high and low, fast and slow, up and down, dark and light, more and less, movement and motionlessness, despair and joy, fear and love and also solitude and solidarity. It is all available for us to utilize.

Clear the slate of your mind. Snap shut the clapboard of life and slate. I am (your name). Now imagine being the playwright, the director, the actor and the audience all at the same time. Imagine no longer being cast as background or worse yet, not even getting a part. Imagine your story, your dream and you being the star. Now imagine projecting your story, your dream onto the screen of your life. See each person in your life as a character playing a role that is offered with a gift. See each part as serving and supporting your life, your story in some way. We are all in a continuous story, a story that is all about Love. When we are able to access the Artist within we restore our authority, our understanding and our power as the creator of our life. When we are able to do this… the fun begins!

We are the artists of our life. What we dream is possible. Who we are is magnificent! We are all creative, fabulous, talented Artists here to perform our grandest expression that is everything we are. You are a Master- Peace! As children we knew and remembered this. We knew each moment was all about creation, imagination and play. We can now unite work and play to reveal "way" as the way. The way is for us all to return to the playgrounds of our childhood and imagine our life as a dream. The way is playing, practicing and performing with the unseen. Wake up, and come back to life to live as love. Please come back out to play!!!!

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