You are the Solution- You are Love
The truth of you in your pure essence is love. Love is your life force. All of creation shares this and is part of its conception and continuation. You know this as you ask yourself what it is you seek. You know this as you realize in fearlessness you would give more of this. You know this as its lack activates a universal feeling of despair. You know that this is love. Everyone seeks to be loved. Everyone would love more if they feared less. The absence of love creates within each of us the same pain. This pain is now a calling to be a part of the solution and you are always the solution.
You as the solution are love and that love is here right now. As you are reading, breathe and realize you have surrendered to an unseen force that keep you breathing and alive. As you pay attention to this breath that is breathing life into you, listen to your heartbeat and realize its beat is also beating without your control. With each breath and each beat of your heart love is with you, as you. The unseen force that never leaves you until your last breath has been given and your last heartbeat sounds, is love. So quite simply, to be alive is to be the solution and access to be "the change", to be "the hero", and to be your destiny. Will you see yourself this way? Will you see each other as this same possibility? Will you begin to believe it, create goals within it, make commitments to it, speak it, think it and be in the actions it? At C.O.R.E we call this an alignment process.
We cannot be the solution if we are not in alignment to the possibility of love. We have identified within the alignment process a way to balance the body energetically by using specific language within each energy center of the body. Our root, our foundation responds to what it needs to survive, so we speak to it as if we already have it. Our sacral, our creative center responds to honoring all of what want to experience, so we speak to what we will feel once it is created. Our solar plexus, our power responds to not doubting anything so we speak to it of what we undeniably can do. Our heart, responds to simply to loving everything. Our throat energy center responds to directive and affirming language. Our third eye responds to instructive perception based on our language and creates what its desires within the mind as realty. Our crown which is our connection to the divine responds in all our actions to speaking from what we know.
For a quick alignment to being the solution as love, here are some simple affirmations.
I have love- The Foundation
I feel love- The Creation
I can love- The Action
I love love- The Dedication
I speak love- The Communication
I see love- The Perception/Manifestation
I know love- Wisdom- The Action of the Highest Self
Repeat these and feel them in your energetic being. Watch yourself take fearless actions and become a living solution, pure purpose, and someone in your presence everyone sees possibility for themselves.
© Copyright MMVII Sandra Furber (a division of Furber Real Estate Ltd.)
The truth of you in your pure essence is love. Love is your life force. All of creation shares this and is part of its conception and continuation. You know this as you ask yourself what it is you seek. You know this as you realize in fearlessness you would give more of this. You know this as its lack activates a universal feeling of despair. You know that this is love. Everyone seeks to be loved. Everyone would love more if they feared less. The absence of love creates within each of us the same pain. This pain is now a calling to be a part of the solution and you are always the solution.
You as the solution are love and that love is here right now. As you are reading, breathe and realize you have surrendered to an unseen force that keep you breathing and alive. As you pay attention to this breath that is breathing life into you, listen to your heartbeat and realize its beat is also beating without your control. With each breath and each beat of your heart love is with you, as you. The unseen force that never leaves you until your last breath has been given and your last heartbeat sounds, is love. So quite simply, to be alive is to be the solution and access to be "the change", to be "the hero", and to be your destiny. Will you see yourself this way? Will you see each other as this same possibility? Will you begin to believe it, create goals within it, make commitments to it, speak it, think it and be in the actions it? At C.O.R.E we call this an alignment process.
We cannot be the solution if we are not in alignment to the possibility of love. We have identified within the alignment process a way to balance the body energetically by using specific language within each energy center of the body. Our root, our foundation responds to what it needs to survive, so we speak to it as if we already have it. Our sacral, our creative center responds to honoring all of what want to experience, so we speak to what we will feel once it is created. Our solar plexus, our power responds to not doubting anything so we speak to it of what we undeniably can do. Our heart, responds to simply to loving everything. Our throat energy center responds to directive and affirming language. Our third eye responds to instructive perception based on our language and creates what its desires within the mind as realty. Our crown which is our connection to the divine responds in all our actions to speaking from what we know.
For a quick alignment to being the solution as love, here are some simple affirmations.
I have love- The Foundation
I feel love- The Creation
I can love- The Action
I love love- The Dedication
I speak love- The Communication
I see love- The Perception/Manifestation
I know love- Wisdom- The Action of the Highest Self
Repeat these and feel them in your energetic being. Watch yourself take fearless actions and become a living solution, pure purpose, and someone in your presence everyone sees possibility for themselves.
© Copyright MMVII Sandra Furber (a division of Furber Real Estate Ltd.)