See your self as the creator, the artist in your life. Who you are and what you do is Art forever hung in the infinite gallery of the universe.
Welcome all Artists!
We are all here to allow our inner Artist to transform reality and our life. Let the Masterpieces begin!!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Observe is to serve as loves is to solve
When we notice something we have shifted into the observer. The aspect that notices is love. This is a love for all that loves to solve and is our highest self. Without this shift we are like a car with no steering or brakes. As we observe we remain in a powerful position to create by choosing from our highest self. It is like we pull over for a moment and pull out the map again. Each time we just observe we create the space in which to respond and not react. Reaction is the language and action of the Ego. Reaction is the manufacturer of all that we do not desire. Every time we react in a moment we allow whatever the pattern is, to become more ingrained in ourselves. A reaction of anger gives us more to be angry about. A reaction of lack has more lack show up. A reaction of doubt has us feeling uninspired. Inspiration can show up in the moment we observe. When we create space or a pause as an observation we disconnect thoughts and patterns that exist in ourselves. Energetically it is like pulling a plug and taking away all the charge the situation has. In other words observation is an order to stop what is happening and start creating from what it is we desire. To respond is creation. We now have a choice in each moment. This choice is reaction or creation.
As we become mindful and choose to be the observer whenever we are experiencing something negative, it weakens the strength and power of an old thought that has brought us this experience. Without connecting it to the automatic reaction it has nothing to exist upon. Without a reaction we begin to stop all attraction to similar situations or circumstances. As we observe we powerfully stop the perpetuation of the thoughts or patterns that have defined us as our experiences. This alone is change and a new creation for our self.
As powerful growth seeking beings let's add to observation yet another tool. Remember our core values again. For example think of grace, love, freedom, service, or empowerment. What if they were pulled from of our awareness and accessed in the moment of observation? What would that moment then bring? Our core values are now the tools we sculpt each moment with. We co create with the universe what we chose in the moment of the observation. We now create and control the observation. We create with our core values everything we want to experience. We control every experience because we know we are responsible. Notice our language invites our true self forward as we hear the word “responsible”-responding from our being. As far as we know there is no word in our language coming even close to “reactable”. Ask our self in the observation what would love do or say? What would empowerments do or say? Inserting our core values into these questions each time we observe and watch everything we create from the observation. We now have an even more powerful choice to make. We can be the observer and stop the pattern or activate our core values into our experience each time we choose to be the observer. This is a huge distinction. Now let's play with it.
Written by Sandra Furber
Monday, May 30, 2011
It's as easy as Black and White
It’s as Easy as Black and White
Artists use color in many different ways but first they begin by understanding the grace and ease of black and white. We invite the understanding we are white- pure light beings playing and creating on the black contrast of the infinite.
We are white, true, and pure light. We are the source of all that is repeated in each soul and body we experience life with. The colors we see are light waves absorbed or reflected by everything around us. In nature, a rainbow is white light that is broken apart by the moisture in the air. It was discovered that white light could be broken apart using tools called prisms. The colors of the visible light spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors are seen energetically within each physical body, in the same formation from bottom of our spine to the top or crown of our head.
These energy centers are indentified as Chakras in many teachings throughout history and the world. White light consists of all of the colors mixed together. The color of an object depends on how it absorbs and/or reflects light. If an object absorbs all wavelengths except red, for example, it will look red. We need each color to break apart the complexity of our pure white light at the physical, emotional and spiritual level. If enlightenment is remembering the oneness of this pure light, we can only do this by experiencing all contrast.
We are given this awareness to understand our energetic self by being reminded of that the absence of each color is to complete pure light that is within, with out and our truth. We all come forth from the source of all light and physically require color to distinguish our selves. We are all give the same pallet that all of nature uses. Without each color we don’t know any color. Without knowing colors we don’t know ourselves.
Imagine living realizing each being shares the same box of exact crayons or paints. We are all united energetically within a master plan to play and create in harmony. We all are this white light, broken into 7 colors, which also vibrationally holds the musical scale. We are given each the same tools at birth equal to create with authority, purpose, clarity and freedom. No matter what is our skin color or what we are wearing energetically we are the same balance of the rainbow.
Black can be defined as the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye and the lack of all colors of light. Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum. If an object absorbs all of the light wavelengths, it will appear black. If we are white as our pure being experience, then it is our human experience or EGO, which forms the infinite as black.Remember the clear night sky. As we gaze up or in our minds we see that which reflects trillions of stars. The stars are only seen because of this vast darkness.
That darkness has fearlessness and is understood with a deep understanding without emotion. We can see this darkness to be the metaphor for the Ego, the contrast for us to know what is true and real. Ego is the collection of stories and experience that form the darkness, almost an infinite library of records. We can also think of a chalkboard. Once we begin to write over and again with the chalk eventually the board becomes white confusion. As we live our being does the same. On the blackboard we can’t understand what is written so it eventually gets erased and we try again. Words are clearest when there is proper space and contrast for them to be seen. We can balance perfectly in the world, as we allow contrast to exist in precise equilibrium. Darkness for light, black for white, and human for human being.
Being this clear, precise and this black and white begins each masterpiece ever known to man. As we master light and darkness with an understanding of neutrality, we allow infinite possibilities which both black and white have had the access to. Black and white unlocks every promise of pure potential.
by Sandra Furber
Artists use color in many different ways but first they begin by understanding the grace and ease of black and white. We invite the understanding we are white- pure light beings playing and creating on the black contrast of the infinite.
We are white, true, and pure light. We are the source of all that is repeated in each soul and body we experience life with. The colors we see are light waves absorbed or reflected by everything around us. In nature, a rainbow is white light that is broken apart by the moisture in the air. It was discovered that white light could be broken apart using tools called prisms. The colors of the visible light spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors are seen energetically within each physical body, in the same formation from bottom of our spine to the top or crown of our head.
These energy centers are indentified as Chakras in many teachings throughout history and the world. White light consists of all of the colors mixed together. The color of an object depends on how it absorbs and/or reflects light. If an object absorbs all wavelengths except red, for example, it will look red. We need each color to break apart the complexity of our pure white light at the physical, emotional and spiritual level. If enlightenment is remembering the oneness of this pure light, we can only do this by experiencing all contrast.
We are given this awareness to understand our energetic self by being reminded of that the absence of each color is to complete pure light that is within, with out and our truth. We all come forth from the source of all light and physically require color to distinguish our selves. We are all give the same pallet that all of nature uses. Without each color we don’t know any color. Without knowing colors we don’t know ourselves.
Imagine living realizing each being shares the same box of exact crayons or paints. We are all united energetically within a master plan to play and create in harmony. We all are this white light, broken into 7 colors, which also vibrationally holds the musical scale. We are given each the same tools at birth equal to create with authority, purpose, clarity and freedom. No matter what is our skin color or what we are wearing energetically we are the same balance of the rainbow.
Black can be defined as the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye and the lack of all colors of light. Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum. If an object absorbs all of the light wavelengths, it will appear black. If we are white as our pure being experience, then it is our human experience or EGO, which forms the infinite as black.Remember the clear night sky. As we gaze up or in our minds we see that which reflects trillions of stars. The stars are only seen because of this vast darkness.
That darkness has fearlessness and is understood with a deep understanding without emotion. We can see this darkness to be the metaphor for the Ego, the contrast for us to know what is true and real. Ego is the collection of stories and experience that form the darkness, almost an infinite library of records. We can also think of a chalkboard. Once we begin to write over and again with the chalk eventually the board becomes white confusion. As we live our being does the same. On the blackboard we can’t understand what is written so it eventually gets erased and we try again. Words are clearest when there is proper space and contrast for them to be seen. We can balance perfectly in the world, as we allow contrast to exist in precise equilibrium. Darkness for light, black for white, and human for human being.
Being this clear, precise and this black and white begins each masterpiece ever known to man. As we master light and darkness with an understanding of neutrality, we allow infinite possibilities which both black and white have had the access to. Black and white unlocks every promise of pure potential.
by Sandra Furber

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Imagine a STORM of LOVE
It is here now
To hear how
If we can just let go
And find now here
Willing to absence fear
As we choose to know
To see not then
Or by when
Hold’s creation as a plan
Gifts forever
Tomorrow knows never
It is now that time began
These moments now
Bring the how
In presence answers reside
Write now to know
Ways to now
With wisdom found inside
To plan to stay
Here the way
Connected to a source
A life fulfilled
Guided when stilled
By a compass of love the force
There’s only now
Not then, when but how
Our hearts will bring us here
To hear as one
Radiates our sun
Each love so loud and clear
We've always known
Storms have grown
So we can see what's truly real
As we absence fear
Stay here to hear
Now love, it is you to reveal
Monday, February 14, 2011
You are the Solution- You are LOVE
You are the Solution- You are Love
The truth of you in your pure essence is love. Love is your life force. All of creation shares this and is part of its conception and continuation. You know this as you ask yourself what it is you seek. You know this as you realize in fearlessness you would give more of this. You know this as its lack activates a universal feeling of despair. You know that this is love. Everyone seeks to be loved. Everyone would love more if they feared less. The absence of love creates within each of us the same pain. This pain is now a calling to be a part of the solution and you are always the solution.
You as the solution are love and that love is here right now. As you are reading, breathe and realize you have surrendered to an unseen force that keep you breathing and alive. As you pay attention to this breath that is breathing life into you, listen to your heartbeat and realize its beat is also beating without your control. With each breath and each beat of your heart love is with you, as you. The unseen force that never leaves you until your last breath has been given and your last heartbeat sounds, is love. So quite simply, to be alive is to be the solution and access to be "the change", to be "the hero", and to be your destiny. Will you see yourself this way? Will you see each other as this same possibility? Will you begin to believe it, create goals within it, make commitments to it, speak it, think it and be in the actions it? At C.O.R.E we call this an alignment process.
We cannot be the solution if we are not in alignment to the possibility of love. We have identified within the alignment process a way to balance the body energetically by using specific language within each energy center of the body. Our root, our foundation responds to what it needs to survive, so we speak to it as if we already have it. Our sacral, our creative center responds to honoring all of what want to experience, so we speak to what we will feel once it is created. Our solar plexus, our power responds to not doubting anything so we speak to it of what we undeniably can do. Our heart, responds to simply to loving everything. Our throat energy center responds to directive and affirming language. Our third eye responds to instructive perception based on our language and creates what its desires within the mind as realty. Our crown which is our connection to the divine responds in all our actions to speaking from what we know.
For a quick alignment to being the solution as love, here are some simple affirmations.
I have love- The Foundation
I feel love- The Creation
I can love- The Action
I love love- The Dedication
I speak love- The Communication
I see love- The Perception/Manifestation
I know love- Wisdom- The Action of the Highest Self
Repeat these and feel them in your energetic being. Watch yourself take fearless actions and become a living solution, pure purpose, and someone in your presence everyone sees possibility for themselves.
© Copyright MMVII Sandra Furber (a division of Furber Real Estate Ltd.)
The truth of you in your pure essence is love. Love is your life force. All of creation shares this and is part of its conception and continuation. You know this as you ask yourself what it is you seek. You know this as you realize in fearlessness you would give more of this. You know this as its lack activates a universal feeling of despair. You know that this is love. Everyone seeks to be loved. Everyone would love more if they feared less. The absence of love creates within each of us the same pain. This pain is now a calling to be a part of the solution and you are always the solution.
You as the solution are love and that love is here right now. As you are reading, breathe and realize you have surrendered to an unseen force that keep you breathing and alive. As you pay attention to this breath that is breathing life into you, listen to your heartbeat and realize its beat is also beating without your control. With each breath and each beat of your heart love is with you, as you. The unseen force that never leaves you until your last breath has been given and your last heartbeat sounds, is love. So quite simply, to be alive is to be the solution and access to be "the change", to be "the hero", and to be your destiny. Will you see yourself this way? Will you see each other as this same possibility? Will you begin to believe it, create goals within it, make commitments to it, speak it, think it and be in the actions it? At C.O.R.E we call this an alignment process.
We cannot be the solution if we are not in alignment to the possibility of love. We have identified within the alignment process a way to balance the body energetically by using specific language within each energy center of the body. Our root, our foundation responds to what it needs to survive, so we speak to it as if we already have it. Our sacral, our creative center responds to honoring all of what want to experience, so we speak to what we will feel once it is created. Our solar plexus, our power responds to not doubting anything so we speak to it of what we undeniably can do. Our heart, responds to simply to loving everything. Our throat energy center responds to directive and affirming language. Our third eye responds to instructive perception based on our language and creates what its desires within the mind as realty. Our crown which is our connection to the divine responds in all our actions to speaking from what we know.
For a quick alignment to being the solution as love, here are some simple affirmations.
I have love- The Foundation
I feel love- The Creation
I can love- The Action
I love love- The Dedication
I speak love- The Communication
I see love- The Perception/Manifestation
I know love- Wisdom- The Action of the Highest Self
Repeat these and feel them in your energetic being. Watch yourself take fearless actions and become a living solution, pure purpose, and someone in your presence everyone sees possibility for themselves.
© Copyright MMVII Sandra Furber (a division of Furber Real Estate Ltd.)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
To be or not to be
To be or not to be that is the answer.
To be or not to be that is the question. As a question it asks perhaps of mortality, destiny or demise. What might be the question if its answer were the same? As an answer the statement becomes a choice. We always have this choice; each of us has this same choice in each moment. Let us see “to be” as meaning in the action of our true self and “not to be” meaning either in non action or an action that is created from being out of alignment of our true self. These non actions become nonproductive or worse counter productive. Let’s stay out of the conundrum of the question and simply stay within the choice. Let’s be our values, highest serving beliefs, goals, commitments, affirmations, of the purest perspective and in inspired actions.
Let’s stay within Hamlet for a moment…
When are you being?
As brevity is the soul of wit; when you are asking questions you are being.
As the rest is silence; when you are listening you are being.
As this above all; to thine own self be true; when you are authentic you are being.
Let’s get to the point, listen well, and show up being you. This is you being your best.
© Copyright 2008, Sandra Furber.
To be or not to be that is the question. As a question it asks perhaps of mortality, destiny or demise. What might be the question if its answer were the same? As an answer the statement becomes a choice. We always have this choice; each of us has this same choice in each moment. Let us see “to be” as meaning in the action of our true self and “not to be” meaning either in non action or an action that is created from being out of alignment of our true self. These non actions become nonproductive or worse counter productive. Let’s stay out of the conundrum of the question and simply stay within the choice. Let’s be our values, highest serving beliefs, goals, commitments, affirmations, of the purest perspective and in inspired actions.
Let’s stay within Hamlet for a moment…
When are you being?
As brevity is the soul of wit; when you are asking questions you are being.
As the rest is silence; when you are listening you are being.
As this above all; to thine own self be true; when you are authentic you are being.
Let’s get to the point, listen well, and show up being you. This is you being your best.
© Copyright 2008, Sandra Furber.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
We are ARTists
We are all born with the ability to communicate in an unseen universal language. We all respond to Art in all its forms. Its communication with us is access to how we are also all connected. Each piece of Art unlocks universal understandings and truths as it accesses the unseen as its source. We are each the unseen and we are each also the source. The unseen and each of its creations are eternal. What we experience on eARTh we do until we know it by heART. As each experience is inspired by the unseen we know its outcome is for us all. What we do we do for all and this is love. The unseen is also simply love.
We are each born fluent and masterful in the unseen. We are each born Artists. Every thought and action is our Art eternally hung in the gallery of the infinite. Our unique expression of the unseen is our gift and is required, urgent, and called forward by the unseen. We are each here to reveal the unseen so our magnificence can be known. We matter and being here is the only evidence we need to know that. We are all here to reveal what is in between human and being. Artistry is a way between human and being. Each story starts once upon a time, Artistry is living in 'the and.'
“Everything in life is vibration”- Einstein
The universe gives us a simple rainbow- a 7-color pallet and 7 note series of tones as a musical scale to create with. Both give form and life to the unseen. As human beings we correspond energetically, vibrationally and in harmony with both. We are not only Artists with each thought and action we are also the medium. In truth, the power of color and sound is the essence of life. Our thoughts as vibration create form. Artistry is this awareness. Awareness Realizing Transformation is each moment we are in. Allow music and colour to awaken our being to this truth. Now activate and elevate all that is by throwing the switch to 'on' that is within. It is our own authority to do this, our choosing. Tune in to turn on the sound, colour and light that is you.
It is show time. Now is when we make the difference! We are each sold out with an unlimited run, everyone has paid and everyone is watching each moment we are in. Imagine also each of our performances are inspiring other productions. Most can hear and feel a scale and imagine the spectrum of the rainbow. We are also all living within 7 stories, 7 access points to transformation that correspond to sound and colour. The ARTistry of BEing illuminates the connection and harmony to all and all that is . It is simple and has been created to have it's Mastery matter. We see a movement towards self awareness, not self help. We see ARTistry as a new genre for 2011. Imagine a symphony of awakened beings having the performance of a lifetime each moment we are in. We are here to witness its realization. We are casting now 24/7! Please join the everlasting production of the ARTistry of BEing where everyone has a starring role!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
ABC's of 2010
ABC’s of the 2011
Activate awareness.
Create change.
Design destiny.
Exchange excellence.
Forgive forever.
Give gratitude.
Have happiness.
Imagine innate integrity.
Just journal.
Keep kindheartedness.
Linger in love.
Make miracles.
Notice need.
Open optimism.
Perfect presence.
Quantum quieting.
Respect rights.
Still silence.
Transform today.
Understand unity.
Validate values.
Will wonder.
“X”perience “X”tacy
Yes to You.
Zealously Zen.
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