How I dream and fantasize of
The freedom to shed each layer
I close my eyes, cloak my cries
Feeling heavy ready to tear
Tears are streaming, dripping, ripping
The process provocatively begin
Each tear, rips to tear, unraveling the disguise
The angered hate from promiscuous lies
This shedding; now a sharing
Gifts to be realized, recognized in fact
Each item discarded for all to remember
A connection to the resurrection of a brazen act
No stopping, each article sensually cast
This art form, the movement answering truth
Each choice slowly carefully, reveals us stark naked
Tearless waterfalls of love, fully awakened
What lies have been promiscuous? Which ones will you stop today?
What is your Ego claiming to be you?
If you fully realized it and let it go, would it change how you see yourself?
What experiences are you willing to share/shed today?
What would your life look like if you would give these away?
How will you move today that will answer your truth?
As you shed the heaviness of these experiences, what do you see and feel?
Just for today I stand stark naked, outfitted confidently in love