Welcome all Artists!

We are all here to allow our inner Artist to transform reality and our life. Let the Masterpieces begin!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Unlock the Unknown

First let’s stop- from a personal experience tell what you see and feel, as if you have never seen it before. Stare into her eyes.

You are telling someone who has never seen this image... tell them
Who is she?
What is she telling you?
Why is she important?
What is her story?
What what  you now because of her?
This painting is known by most. We can unlock our own secrets, mysteries and the unknown within what we see when we look at her. Spend some time and feel what you see. What story wants to be told? 

The Mona Lisa is shrouded in mystery but what is true is her eyes will follow you no matter which angle you are looking at her from, just like when we look into a mirror. The painting’s  message is deep, as we can see ourselves in everything we see. Seeing into another reveals who we are based on what it is we see. It is what we see, notice and feel that will guide us. This experience is to reveal the divine feminine in each of us. Each time we do this experience we can with deeper understand allow all that is feminine to expand our awareness  and possibility in our life.

Now again we are to stop and look at something as a first experience, remembering  each moment is new always with new eyes, understandings and realizations. Each time we have an experience we deepen our awareness and with each awareness is we invite more possibility into our life.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pen and Paper


I did not know how little was known
Without pages written a lifetime is gone
Memories lost as empty pages are shown
Nothing to share in this awakening dawn

Empty pages are now but useless fears
So few keep an inheritance of records
Lets us not use this paper to wipe away tears
Know worlds of love are still found in your words

It takes but a moments to reflect with a pen
Then endless moments of joy as you share
I’ll do it today and not one day when
To honor this lifetime with care

What layers of regret and loss are you willing to shed?
What memories and thoughts could you save by keeping journals?
What will you write about today and how will your day unfold, knowing it is being recorded?
How will you unfold?
What aspect of yourself are you ready to share?

Just for today I stop to write my thoughts, dreams and accomplishments
 Just for today my life is a best seller

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hear the wisdom and here understand humanity

Imagine a dialogue from beyond between the universe and you. There is a wisdom from sadness and its understandings are meant to be known by us all. Close you eyes and let yourself be what you hear. Hear the beauty and perfection of sadness and find the tipping point where it turns into joy. Hear also when joy turns to passion. Our life is just like this piece of music where all is connected, every part necessary to each moment we are in. Today connect the parts. Stay out of judging moments or our self good/bad, right/wrong, happy/sad. See each moment as the moment just before what it is you desire. Expand more fully today into the outcome and see each moments as perfectly leading to it. Remember it is our passion that drives dreams. Being passionate about what we do affirms we are the change, just as Beethoven knew he was changing the world one note at a time. We are also; each moment at a time creating our dream, our masterpiece. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4DDtcKZOo0&feature=related